WATER: The single most important element for your health ❤
I often get asked about WATER. What is good water? How much should I drink? Why is water quality so Important? What's the deal with Alkaline Water?
Good Water is water that has been purified from chlorine, herbicides, sediment, hard minerals, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, fluoride, parasites, bacteria, viruses and whatever else may be floating in there that we don't know about. ❤
What to look for in a water purifier? I look for a Pre and Post Filtration System in addition to Reverse Osmosis to ensure multiple levels of contaminants are removed. I also look for Some sort of easy marker to notify me when the filters and membranes need to be changed. Lastly, I prefer units that do not have storage tanks to avoid microbial build-up in the tank that transfers into the drinking water.
How much water should I have per day?
Each body and lifestyle is a little different but as a minimum: Drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day will do. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, your body's minimum requirement is 50 ounces per day. If you sweat, you will need more. A good measure is to time your urination cycle: no more than every 2 hours and no less than every 4 hours is recommended. If you struggle with not having a sense of thirst, it's important to create a discipline around your water consumption so your kidneys have the right amount of hydration to perform how they are meant to.
Each body and lifestyle is a little different but as a minimum: Drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day will do. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, your body's minimum requirement is 50 ounces per day. If you sweat, you will need more. A good measure is to time your urination cycle: no more than every 2 hours and no less than every 4 hours is recommended. If you struggle with not having a sense of thirst, it's important to create a discipline around your water consumption so your kidneys have the right amount of hydration to perform how they are meant to.
Why do I need to drink so much water?
Water is the single most important element for your health. It is the most abundant constituent of the body, accounting for 50% to 60% of your body's mass. It is an inorganic (contains no carbons) substance composed of two hydrogen atoms which are bonded to one oxygen atom. Water is intricately involved in numerous functions of the body including the transportation of oxygen, nutrients and waste products into and out of the cells. Drinking water contains several electrolytes including calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Water is necessary for all digestion and absorption functions, and lubricates mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Water is the medium for most chemical reactions in the body, especially those metabolic reactions involved in energy production. Water also serves as a cushioning component between joints, in the spinal cord and in the brain. Most importantly, your Kidney's filter 2,000 liters of blood per day on average, when you are dehydrated you fry the nephron in your kidney's which enables them to filter your blood properly. As a result, your skin gets dry and it gets harder for your body to function.
What's the deal with Alkaline Water?
In my opinion, Alkaline water is the most expensive way to try to achieve a healthy buffering state for the body when all the food you are eating is mineral deficient. Drinking Alkaline Water in an attempt to increase our body's alkalinity / PH is a topical solution. Increasing alkalinity and the PH of the body is essential. It is one of the most fundamental ways that we regulate oxygen in the body, which is so critical to every aspect of function. Our bodies need minerals to perform daily tasks on a cellular level. If we just give ourselves the alkalinity through water, we still are not providing our body with the minerals needed to move the PH up. The purpose is to get the mineral buffer that the body was engineered to use in place, this mineral buffer then manages the PH back into it's ideal range so the body can function at it's best. ❤
Water for BEAUTY?
Drinking water brings moisture and greater elasticity to your skin. It rejuvenates tissues, diminishes the appearance of dark under eye circles, wrinkles and blemishes. It supports metabolism, decreases appetite and stabilizes energy. It really is an anti-aging tool, check out this photo that was taken of a woman who increased her water consumption over a 4 week period.
Christina ❤
Water is the single most important element for your health. It is the most abundant constituent of the body, accounting for 50% to 60% of your body's mass. It is an inorganic (contains no carbons) substance composed of two hydrogen atoms which are bonded to one oxygen atom. Water is intricately involved in numerous functions of the body including the transportation of oxygen, nutrients and waste products into and out of the cells. Drinking water contains several electrolytes including calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Water is necessary for all digestion and absorption functions, and lubricates mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Water is the medium for most chemical reactions in the body, especially those metabolic reactions involved in energy production. Water also serves as a cushioning component between joints, in the spinal cord and in the brain. Most importantly, your Kidney's filter 2,000 liters of blood per day on average, when you are dehydrated you fry the nephron in your kidney's which enables them to filter your blood properly. As a result, your skin gets dry and it gets harder for your body to function.
What's the deal with Alkaline Water?
In my opinion, Alkaline water is the most expensive way to try to achieve a healthy buffering state for the body when all the food you are eating is mineral deficient. Drinking Alkaline Water in an attempt to increase our body's alkalinity / PH is a topical solution. Increasing alkalinity and the PH of the body is essential. It is one of the most fundamental ways that we regulate oxygen in the body, which is so critical to every aspect of function. Our bodies need minerals to perform daily tasks on a cellular level. If we just give ourselves the alkalinity through water, we still are not providing our body with the minerals needed to move the PH up. The purpose is to get the mineral buffer that the body was engineered to use in place, this mineral buffer then manages the PH back into it's ideal range so the body can function at it's best. ❤
Water for BEAUTY?
Drinking water brings moisture and greater elasticity to your skin. It rejuvenates tissues, diminishes the appearance of dark under eye circles, wrinkles and blemishes. It supports metabolism, decreases appetite and stabilizes energy. It really is an anti-aging tool, check out this photo that was taken of a woman who increased her water consumption over a 4 week period.
What about the water I shower in?
Using a shower filter is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce harmful exposure to chlorine and other chemicals. Showering in filtered water results in greater respiratory health by reducing the risk of asthma and bronchitis from chlorine inhalation. Showering in chlorine-free, filtered water decreases the risks of bladder and breast cancer. Children, who are particularly at risk of the harmful effects of chlorine inhalation, benefit especially from the removal of chlorine from showering water. As chlorine is a leading cause of fatigue, showering in filtered, chlorine-free water results in higher energy levels and overall greater health. Removing chlorine from showering water results in better air quality throughout the house. Without the drying effects of chlorine, skin becomes softer, healthier, and younger looking. Removing chlorine from showering water reduces the presence of skin rashes and the appearance of wrinkles. Because the hair is able to preserve its natural moisturizing oils, it becomes softer and healthier when chlorine is removed.
Why is there such a fuss about plastic bottles?
Many people now have large numbers of phthalates (plasticizers used to make plastic flexible, also used in the cosmetics industry) accumulated in their body. Plastic products are water and fat-soluble. The body’s natural way of protecting itself against toxic chemicals, such as those seeped from plastic bottles, is to store them in fat cells and connective tissues. This survival response can lead to weight gain and unsightly cellulite in women. An estrogen-like compound widely used in plastic products is thought to be causing serious reproductive disorders, according to a statement by several dozen scientists, including four from federal health agencies. The compound, bisphenol A (BPA), is one of the most-produced chemicals in the world, and almost everyone has traces of it,or more, in their bodies. The statement, published online by the journal of Reproductive Toxicology, was accompanied by a new study by researchers from the National Institutes of Health finding uterine damage in newborn animals exposed to BPA. The researchers indicated that such damage is a possible predictor of reproductive diseases in women, including fibroids, endometriosis, cystic ovaries and cancers. Earlier studies linked low dose BPA to female reproductive-tract disorders, early-stage prostate and breast cancer, as well as decreased sperm counts in animals. BPA is found in polycarbonate plastic baby bottles, large water-cooler containers and sports bottles, microwave-oven dishes, canned-food liners, and some dental sealants for children. The disastrous impact plastic has on the environment is difficult to determine. Currently, there are more plastic particles in the oceans than there is plankton. Plastic particles seep into the ground water from landfills; and rivers and streams carry them to the seas and of, course, back into our bodies through the water we drink and the fish we eat. To make a difference, drink only filtered water and try to use glass, ceramic, wooden, stainless steel or other natural containers and utensils whenever possible.
with love,Christina ❤
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