3 Ways to Activate Your Radiance from Within ❤

Woman often ask me how they can get younger, fuller, glowing and more radiant skin.  My answer is always the same….FROM WITHIN.  There is no topical cream or quick solution that can give you what taking care of your body from the inside can do.  Sure there are beautiful oils that can enrich your skin, but true radiance comes from the health of your cells.  Literally.  The definition of radiance is to emit energy especially light in the form of rays or waves. There are Ground-breaking experiments that have been done by German biophysicist Dr. Fritz-Alpert Popp of the University of Kaiserlautern and others that have demonstrated a release of “light” emanating from healthy cells.  Further research over the last 15 years has shown that the outer membrane structure of every cell in your body is a unique, semi-crystalline matrix. This means that every one of the trillion plus cells in your body has an ideal resonant frequency, much like a crystal glass that rings its own special note when struck.  This discovery reveals why the ideal resonant frequency of each cell can be sustained or regained by consuming nutrients that are also at their ideal resonant frequencies.This interaction between the cell and the nutrient creates a highly beneficial effect bringing the cell into HEALTH and regaining it's ability to radiate / emanate light. 

Here are a few tips to consider adding to your routine that will support you and your radiance. 

1. Hydration: 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water DAILY.  So if you weigh 130lbs you will need to drink 65 ounces of PURE, filtered or natural spring water per day.  Drinking water brings moisture to your skin. It gives your skin greater elasticity and rejuvenates tissues.  Drinking water diminishes the appearance of dark under eye circles.  

2.  Minerals: In the form of foods, juices, supplements or baths. Minerals play a variety of roles in cells and physiology.  The more minerals you absorb, the more your body has what it needs to carry out it's vital processes.  When your cells have the food / minerals they need you no longer have to borrow minerals from your teeth, bones or tissue to function. This keeps you in an anti-aging state because the body is not breaking down itself to carry out some of the following processes:  Minerals (e.g. calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.) are used to make structures such as bone, Minerals are vital for signaling functions (e.g. release of calcium induces muscle contraction), Minerals play thousands of vital roles as co-factors for enzyme functions, Minerals (e.g zinc and magnesium) play important roles in stabilizing membranes and DNA, Minerals (e.g. zinc fingers) play vital roles in gene expression, Minerals play vital roles in maintaining cellular electrolyte balance (e.g. sodium, magnesium and potassium), Minerals (e.g. magnesium) play vital roles in regulating ion channels in cell membranes, Minerals (e.g. iron in hemoglobin) play vital roles in transport of other nutrients. 

3.  Digestion: Incorporate Lacto-Fermented Foods into your diet.  Our digestive system is the main place where we absorb nutrients from our foods, as well as the main place where we dispel toxins through elimination. If the digestive system isn't working optimally, breakouts, eczema, redness and dull skin ensue. When the digestive system struggles to eliminate toxins effectively, it will partner up with other organs and eliminate toxins that way. Since your skin is your body's largest organ, it's no surprise that acne, rosacea, and dermatitis crop up when something's off internally. Fermenting not only supports your digestion it also preserves food and enhances the nutrient content. The action of the culture organisms makes the minerals in cultured foods more readily available to the body. During the fermenting process the bacteria also produce B vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial for digestion. 

Learn to make them at home with me here:  https://blythenaturalliving.wordpress.com/2014/07/10/how-to-make-fermented-vegetables/

with love, Christina ❤
